Diet Center® is among the leading providers of healthy diet programs. With our experienced and highly qualified nutrition experts, Diet Center® provides healthy food programs. For these programs to achieve the best results, clients are required to be fully committed to their food plan and exercise regularly.
- The subscription validity date starts from the date of payment.
- Clients are required to fill out the subscription form, choose meals from the attached menu for the entire subscription period and pay full subscription fees in advance upon signing. The program will go into effect 72 business hours after payment date.
- If clients wish to enroll in our meal delivery service, daily delivery times range between 6:00AM and 4:00PM according to assigned delivery locations. Scheduled delivery times may vary by +/- 2 hours.
- Upon meal box delivery, meals must be immediately stored in the fridge. Failure to do so may affect their freshness and nutritional value. Meals should not be kept and/or consumed beyond 48 hours of delivery time.
- Diet Center’s drivers are not allowed to leave meal boxes at their delivery locations (e.g., main door) without the client’s presence.
- Upon delivery of the meal box, if the client or their representative fails to personally receive it, it will be delivered to the nearest Diet Center® Shop. Clients can retrieve their boxes at their convenience. The meal box will not be kept at Diet Center® Shop for more than 48 hours. Clients shall not be compensated for any expired meals.
- Clients may suspend their subscription on a temporary basis during the period allowed for each program (mentioned in Annex 1). They may also cancel or change the type of meals during subscription after notifying the Diet Center® 72 hours in advance.