Report A Concern

Diet Center welcomes receiving any complaints or reporting of suspicious, illegal or unethical act, whether from the company’s employees, customers, suppliers, or any other parties. We appreciate using the below form for this regard in order for the company to follow up, remediate and communicate with the reporter (as per reporter request). The information provided on this form will be treated very confidentially.
Or contact our Customer Service or WhatsApp on 920017373.

"*" indicates required fields

Please provide as much details as possible about your case. This would help us better understand your concern and take appropriate actions. Details could be in the form of detailed background, name, position, location, department, date, document number, picture, etc. Kindly consider providing us with your contact details in the optional section below to help us get more details, if needed.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpeg, docx, xlsx, pdf, mp4, mov, mp3, mpg, wmv, png, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 5.
    You can attach files upto 5 files 5MB in size (Files allowed; jpeg, docx, xlsx, pdf, mp4, mov, mp3, .mpg, .wmv, .png)

    How to contact you

    We respect your privacy, please leave your contact details, if you wish us to contact you back to follow up or provide us more information.